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My T&L-related roles in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London are:

  • Programme Director for Mathematics with Year in Industry

  • Deputy Programme Director for thee MSc in Statistics

  • Careers Lead

  • External Projects Coordinator for the MSc in Statistics

  • Chair of the Assessment Sub Board for the MSc in Statistics

Winner of the NMES Education Award 2023 for Student Support

A shout out to all nominees across our Faculty of NMES! Read all about it in here

I am currently involved in the delivery of the following modules on offer at King's College London:

  • Statistical Theory, core module in the Statistics MSc (module leader: lectures, assessment, tutorials)

  • MSci project in Mathematics (supervision, assessment)

  • BSc Project in Mathematics (supervision, assessment)

  • MSc in Complex Systems Modelling (summer project supervision)

  • MSc in Statistics (summer project supervision)

Current PhD students

Nick Wren

Nicholas Wren commenced his PhD in October 2023, being funded through the prestigious Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research PhD partnership fund.

Chang Xu

Chang Xu commenced his PhD in October 2023, fully funded through a competitive King’s-China Scholarship Council PhD programme. Chang Xu will be investigating dependence structures of extremal processes.

Xutian Yao

Xutian Yao commenced his PhD in October 2023, fully funded through a competitive King’s-China Scholarship Council PhD programme. This is a co-supervision with Prof. Michael Pitt at King's.

Constance Sharp

Constance Sharp's PhD research project on "Modelling and Analysis for Non-Stationary Time Series"  is jointly supervised with Dr Davide Pigoli (King's College London). I am second supervisor.

Ziyou Wang

This is a joint supervision with Dr Maria Kalli (King's College London), commenced in October 2022. I am secondary supervisor.

Former PhD students and Postdocs

Jessica Silva Lomba

Jessica held a prestigious PhD studentship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2019-2022, the project  "Contributions to Inference in Extremes Based on Moment Type Statistics" developed at the Centre for Statistics and Applications, University of Lisbon.

Jennifer Israelsson

Jennifer was a PhD student at the EPSRC funded CDT in Mathematics of Planet Earth (University of Reading and Imperial College London), whose research project is concerned with detection of the effect of climate change on the likelihood of extreme rainfall/temperature events in Africa, and subsequently of adverse agricultural outcomes. The project also assessed the representation of extreme events in TAMSARv3. The system for TAMSAT-ALERT works by driving an impact model with multiple possible realisations of the weather, and then interpreting the resulting ensemble in terms of risk.

Jennifer's PhD was developed in co-supervision with Prof. Emily Black (University of Reading) and Dr David Walshaw (Newcastle University).

Evandro Konzen

Between 2019 and 2021, Dr Konzen held a Postdoc position in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading, as part of my EPRSC Innovation Fellowship.

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